Friday, September 16, 2016

Politics - forced distributions

Did you know?
One of the biggest things grasping at our hard earn dollars are taxes. Local, county and federal taxes are often decided by elected officials. Taxes are a necessity to ensure the civility and quality of our communities but all too often greed seeps in and increasing taxes go unchecked.  Be aware, taxes come in all forms and labels such as the words “fees” or “fines”.

When dollars and cents are taken as a result of increasing taxes, fines and or fees; people usually don't ask upfront if it’s the result of a democrat or republican in office. The first thing we notice is our take-home pay shrinks. It’s time to hold people accountable. It’s time to become more aware of how politics from local to county to federal affect our wallets.  Be aware and plan accordingly, this will take the surprise out of receiving less take-home pay.  Be prepared to act one way or another but more than anything; know how to adapt to necessary changes, it will prove to make a difference in personal finances.  Ignoring all things that demand a portion of our hard earned income can lead to small paychecks and more.
Get Cents Get Paid!

Spending Dictated by Religion

Did you know?

A large amount of money is spent or used within the parameters of religion. Religion can be anything related to your position of belief including civic or other social groups which affect the way you live. I am not suggesting that you give or donate less to your favorite religious body.

I am encouraging you to assess the clothes wear, the vehicles you drive, the lifestyle you choose; often times vanity is strongly influenced by the culture of the religion environment you choose.

Many stray from discussing these matters but maybe it’s time to add up the cost of things related to religion that influence spending habits.  The home you desire, the vehicle you want or maybe a change in lifestyle may only require a different perspective of how religion shapes your personal spending habits. Sure there are many factors influencing our quality of life; time to rethink and act.
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Shop Interest Rates

Did you know?

You can save $500 - $2000 or more by taking the time to shop interest rates for:
- Home Buying
- Vehicle Purchase
- Credit Cards or Personal Loans

Believe it or not, you can inquire within the same financial institution when shopping for a better rate. Contact the perspective lender directly and inquire about a better rate, you will be pleasantly surprised to discover how much money you will save. One can also shop other financial institutions. Your monthly payments will be lower and the overall saving for the length of the contract will be rewarding. Think of this as paying yourself for taking the extra step. If you incorporate this strategy into your borrowing process, it is recommended that you do it within the same time frame. If you for some reason notice an effect on your credit score, you can submit a person note to the credit reporting agency noting that you were shopping for the best rate.

Get Cents Get Paid!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Money Maze Network Blog 2.0 Intro

Watch for improvement within this maze.

"money maze - rise of the beast" is designed to offer tips for improving control of overall finances versus being seduce by uncontrollable outside influencer. There are three major influencing factors in our lives of which, many prefer not to talk about; these major factors are, money, religion and politics.

I believe actions speak louder than words and with this stated; look around, though people don't like to talk about money, religion and politics, our lifestyles echo our true realities. Whether we beleive it or not, mostly all our actions are widely due to the affects of money, religion and politics within each of our lives. The time to recognize pathways to a better you is now; discover ideas and strategies once hidden by linking to this network.

I Kenneth White as your money maze referee, will present valuable insights for contributing towards more money entering your grasp or at the very least, strategies for better managing current resources. I invite your questions and comments via email at

The information provided is a result of my own opinions based off actual experiences, education and or research.  Individuals are advised that the decisions you make are of your own responsibilities and actions.

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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

reality intersections

In a busy life there are many things we take for granted. We take for granted our time, money and oftentimes controlling our finances. You’ve seen it, impulse spending and stress build-up when finances get tight. The need to move on from things that are good or bad quickly appears to make-up the norm in life. Reality Intersections represent when our paths cross the paths of others and we share like experiences.

While many people may attempt to be private; social media and technology have proven our business is not as secret as we think. We expense a lot of energy to protect our business as well as our way of life but what if we took a different approach. What if we began sharing our goals or dreams with others; is it possible our quality of life could change? Believe it or not when we begin creating goals and objectives for ourselves and make them known, we create a more challenging environment for ourselves.

I invite you to try identifying people who share like interests versus those you just interact with daily. Everyone you interact with, do not have the same goals and or dreams as you. This can sometimes minimize the amount of support you have when you decide to pursue something in life. Almost any and everything we do requires a cost in some way shape or form. Try sharing your goals and or dreams with others with the purpose of identifying people who support your endeavors. Establish a degree of routine conversations on the progress you make towards success; it may require reducing time spent with others. By trying out this strategy it will reduce the number of naysayers around you while building up a support base. Encouragement from others is a powerful thing. You will see the quality of communications change while at the same time your self-esteem will improve as well. Look at it this way, where you have people who have like minds interacting; these intersections will prove to provide support & encouragement. As you step outside of the circle of people with like minds; it is the pathways that just might lead you to meet others. Just like roadways, we face intersections that cause us to pause and we make turns; some lead us to our destinations while others may prove to be a mistake. In the end, we continue until we reach our destinations. Are you up for the trip to a better life. You can do it; I believe in you!  Life is a great gift, when we begin to take more control of how we manage it; we see things from a different lens. Test these words out, watch along
the way it may cause you to save a dollar or two for something more rewarding in the future.

Reality Intersections (the point where like-minds interact), discover the difference of life when a map is used. Goals (end-points), objectives (methods for reaching end-points) and acting are important components to this map. Keep things moving forward, there is a breath of fresh air around the corner, personally and financially.

It’s time to Tackle The Beast – Get Cents Get Paid!

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Thursday, July 7, 2016

Who’s counting your dollars?

Who’s counting your dollars?

The 4th of July has passed, how much did you spend over the weekend? Ignoring what was spent does not mean your bank account was free of deductions. Before you know it, the next holiday will arrive. Have you estimated what you will end up paying for occasions such as birthdays and holidays this year? Will you actually lose friends if you began to reduce you expenses for special occasions and placed that reduction towards something new and refreshing? Learn to have fun and enjoy life by doing something fresh and different; every now and then, discover a way to treat yourself to something new that is actually within your grasp.

Here is a challenge, look at all special occasions and total how much you normally spend. Next commit to reducing these expenses over a period of time. Take the amount and redirect it to your savings account or towards something you have not done in a while or something new; experience the difference it could make.

If you don’t mind the cash leaving through impulse spending, tell me, who’s counting your dollars?
It’s time to Tackle The Beast – Get Cents Get Paid!

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Monday, June 27, 2016

Treasure or Spam

It is known by many that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Consider what people have done by using Craig’s list, eBay and other resources to sell almost anything. There are actually individuals who go through other people’s garbage and discover things that can be sold. There are those who go to garage sales and discover treasures that can be sold for much more online than what was paid at the garage sale. Antiques are found among the trash. There is even a show dedicated to proving that among neglected stuff are many valuable treasures.

Do you want someone to make decisions for you? Have you delegated your ability to choose to another? Are you aware that people’s judgments differ considerably? Is there someone you admire who appears to be getting ahead in life?

The time is now to begin reviewing things yourself; determine whether or not information is Spam or a Treasure. Many innovative ideas were dismissed by bureaucrats only to later prove to be valuable. Many opportunities within companies were dismiss only to see another take their ideas and ignite success.

Treasures often require work of which in the end proves to be worth the investment. The money maze network, in time; will prove to be among the many treasures to be uncovered. So, I ask you; do you want more cash in your wallet? Can you use something of value added to your everyday routines? Escape the stereotypes of Spam and determine for yourself; a Treasure of information is waiting for you. People have falsely label things since the dawn of the ages; come away from rumors.

The choice is yours, jump on the easy spam wagon or rise among those whose perceptions have resulted in treasures. Information is power…. Get the power you deserve.

It’s time to Tackle The Beast – Get Cents Get Paid!

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